Why is Your Profit Suffering?

Have you ever walked into a store where the sales representative shows displays an apparent lack of interest in your arrival? or worse off, if she acknowledges your presence, she’s chewing gum so recklessly and addressing you in a way that might feel like your needs don’t matter?

Did you say yes?!

A bossy attitude sometimes costs more than you may have factored in to your P&L

A bossy attitude sometimes costs more than you may have factored in to your P&L

Here’s the thing, your attitude affects your bottom line and everything in between –brand image, referrals, sales, repeat customers, etc., which is why you’ve got to make sure that once the store, opens on a Monday morning, your outside (appearance) reflects a happy and welcoming mood.  People love being surrounded by other people who make them feel loved, not unwelcome.

This would also mean that those you choose to work with or those who hire to work for you must embody a similar attitude or else your investment is already at risk, even before the doors open.

Granted! You’ll have sad days. After all, you’re human, BUT you need to learn to separate your emotions from your work and deliver as though that business embodied a soul of it’s own. This business soul is part your business’ brand character [Book a brand strategy session with us to build your brand character if you’re not clear on what this is]

You chose to run a business and while the success of that business is not be solely based on your attitude, your attitude is contributing factor to its success, so adjust it.

Your attitude comprises of your facial expressions, appearance, posture, composure and speech.

Facial Expressions:  There will be moments where you might be forced to tell a customer how you really feel with your facial expressions, RESIST THOSE MOMENTS!

Appearance:  Do not always dress as you feel.  Dress as you would like to feel.  Always dress the part.  Always!  When you look good, you feel good.  

Posture: A slouchy pose when a customer walks up to you implies that you are not prepared to do business.

Composure:  There WILL BE moments where a customer will provoke you.  Prepare for them!  Compose yourself and get a handle on your feelings.   

Speech: Sluggish and/or rude speech relay that you do not care about the sale/business.  You simply cannot express your willingness to serve a customer by using phrases like “What do you want?” or “If you didn’t find it on the shelf, then it isn’t there!” Employ tact in your business dealings.

Well, what if I don’t feel like being in a great mood?

Hire someone who is always in a great mood to represent your business.  Yes! There are people like that. 

When you find this person, don’t neglect investing in them towards improving their customer service skills. Good customer service is hard to come by and if your business is known for great customer service, it becomes a competitive edge for you. One of the best places that I’ve personally experienced great customer service is at Disney and you’re in luck because the Disney Institute can help get your customer service up to stellar standards. You should check it out. Your store’s representation is highly critical. Find those who are naturally warm and welcoming. You know them - those who seem to always walk on sunshine.  Find them and hire them.

I just don’t feel like being in a great mood today and I cannot afford to hire someone

Then, command your morning! You really need to get a handle on your emotions and feelings.  You run your feelings.  Your feelings shouldn’t run you.  Speak to yourself and tell yourself how to feel.

Watch this short clip on commanding your morning below:

Your destiny does not have to look like your history. And your destiny does not have to be a mystery. In the book of Job, God reveals a way to take charge of...

Say this right now over and over…

“I am great! I am happy!

I am blessed! I am important!

No one, absolutely NO ONE will ruin my day!”

Choose to think happy thoughts even when things look gloomy.  Think back to all the amazing things that have happened in your life, be glad for them and dwell on the joy they brought you.  For all the good things you are hopeful for, think on those things as well.  

Protect your happy and you will protect your money!  

Brand New Friend, Dami
Dami Eluyera

Dami is the Startup Brand Master at A Brand New Thing! - a Toronto-based creative marketing agency, that helps entrepreneurs build attractively profitable brands. She is also the Founder of IMDOINGIT - a non-profit that supports black youth advancement in career and business.


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