"How Can I Help?"
Customer service simply put is “help”. Help is the foundation of good business. By going into business, what an entrepreneur is really saying is that they are ready to help someone, somewhere in some way somehow. To do this effectively, attributes
How Do You Get The "Overlooking Advantage"?
Whenever I think of picking an airline, I'd always choose WestJet because of how dependable they are. I could never have imagined saving $675+ for an issue that was due to every fault of mine.
How Does Collaboration Translate to Sales?
The more people you’re able to work with and collaborate on projects with, the more access you get to their audience. Collaboration is growth hacking at its finest, as it allows you to enlarge your audience simply by collaborating, so collaborate - Point is, you should let other people hold your baby too.
What Exactly Is A Brand?
There are many ways to define a brand, but the real question is why does it matter? Knowing what it means will help you understand why it matters and why you should care about building a brand. This perception that your customer has of your business is the fuel to the sales you’re in business for.